The translator′s subjectivity research of Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Therapy and its enlightenment to medical translation team |
CHEN Chen1 CHEN Lin2▲ GUO Zikai1 LIU Boyuan1 LIU Manlin1▲ |
1.Center for Medical Language and Culture Study, Xi′an Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi′an 710021, China;
2.Intensive Care Unit, Ankang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Ankang 725000, China |
Abstract Since the 1980′s, translation subjectivity has remained a heated topic, resulting in the deep exploration into translator′s subjectivity. Translation is undertaken by translators whose principal role should be well recognized. This paper based on the study of the translation process of Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Therapy, gives a systematic analysis of translators′ initiative to ensure translation quality throughout the translation process. In the meantime, the author is inspired by Lefevere′s “rewriting theory” to recognize that the publication of a medical book is closely related to its translation quality, which requires the medical translation team to cater to the sponsor′s request. The medical translation team should not only meet the requirements of medical book translation project, but also follow the codes and norms of the target language.
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