Origin and development of Zhao Xianke′s theory of kidney edema and ming men fire and its influence on the treatment of cough in later generations |
QIAN Xuwu1 JIANG Yuchen1 XIE Wenxing2 JIANG Ying3 |
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315503, China;
2.Basic College, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315503, China;
3.Department of Gynaecology, Ningbo Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315010, China |
Abstract Zhao Xianke is a famous representative doctor of warm-recuperation school. His theory of kidney edema and ming men fire is unique and has a profound influence on the later doctors. It greatly enriches the theoretical connotation of “mingmen theory” and plays an important guiding role in clinical application. Through extensive reading and systematic collation of literature, the author makes a detailed analysis of the historical background, theoretical connotation and application of the theory of kidney edema and ming men in cough, with a view to deeply understand Zhao Xianke′s theory of life gate and present it to scholars, strengthen the attention of traditional Chinese medicine scholars to the theory of kidney edema and ming men fire, and promote the inheritance and development of precious academic thoughts of traditional Chinese medicine.
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