Discussion about the academic source of Sisheng Xinyuan and the Lingnan Yangke school |
LIU Ming HE Yibin CAI Bingqin |
The Third Department of Surgery, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China |
Abstract The formation of philosophy, technique and skills of the TCM academic schools are much more associated with the classics of TCM and the representative inheritor. Lingnan Yangke school is a branch of TCM Yangke in Lingnan, and the modern famous doctor Huang Yaoshen and Contemporary famous doctor Cai Binqin are two major representative inheritors. Doctor Huang's tutor Lu Pengzhu is praised highly on the academic thoughts in Sisheng Xinyuan written by Huang Yuanyu. Huang Yuanyu-Lu Pengzhu-Huang Yaoshen-Cai Bingqin is one of the inheritance venation in the Lingnan Yangke school. Huang advocate some views of concept of TCM “correspondence between man and heaven” “spleen and stomach middle qi” “the viscera dialectics is to adjust the inside and outside”, the simple and effective character of prescription still widely impact on academic influence of genre, it is of unique significance to excavate and organize the experience of TCM.
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