Influencing factors of autonomous learning ability of freshmen in Jilin Province medical colleges |
HE Yufang YU Lu XIA Fang LIU Jinping HAO Zixu |
School of Health Management, Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Jilin Province, Changchun 130117, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the current situation of the autonomous learning ability of the freshman students in medical colleges and universities in Jilin Province, and to analyze the factors affecting the autonomous learning ability of the freshmen. Methods Using the cluster sampling method, a total of 900 questionnaires were distributed to three medical colleges and universities in Jilin Province. A total of 300 freshmen students as the research objects were randomly selected in each college. The general information questionnaire, autonomous learning ability scale, college student psychological self-reliance questionnaire, Chinese version California critical thinking tendency questionnaire, educational environment rating scale, self-efficacy scale, and social support scale were used as data collection tools, and SPSS 22.0 software was used for principal component analysis. Results The Cronbach′s α coefficient of the questionnaire with 9 indicators was 0.920, the KMO was 0.934, and the significance of Bartlett′s test was 23 308.544. Taking the first six principal components with eigenvalues> 1, the total variance explanation rate was reached 79.491%, which were social support, self-efficacy, curiosity, cognitive maturity, educational environment, and self-management. The main factors affecting freshman students′ autonomous learning ability were social support, personal factors and education platform. Conclusion Social support has a significant impact on freshman students′ autonomous learning ability, personal factors have a general impact, and education platform have relatively little impact.
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