About the thought of “one divided into three” and its clinical significance in Huangdi Neijing |
YE Taisheng1 YAO Qiong2▲ |
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430071, China;
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jianghan University, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430056, China |
Abstract “One divided into three” is a philosophical epistemology, it is one of the most basic thinking methods, and also the rational thinking of Chinese philosophy. Based on this, it sorts out the ideological content of “one divided into three” in the book of Huangdi Neijing, which is formed in the period of TCM theory formation. It is not only the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory, but also the internal requirement of innovative understanding of the rules of modern disease diagnosis and treatment. The connotation of “one divided into three” is analyzed from “three as the value” and “three as the rule”. It is found that “one divided into three” inspired the theory of “because, machine, syndrome, cure”, and has universal theoretical value. At the same time, to explore the significance of “one divided into three” in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and put forward “Qi, blood, water” three points dialectical method, to treat diabetic nephropathy as an example to illustrate its logical persuasion, is a new way of clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.
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