Discussion on the relationship between rectovaginal fistula and flatus vaginalis and its diagnosis and treatment based on the anatomy of adjacent structures |
PEI Yanni YANG Wei CHEN Tian PENG Yunhua |
Proctology Department, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract Although rectovaginal fistula and flatus vaginalis are two distinct concepts of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, they have similar symptoms. The reason is due to the adjacent anatomical relationship. Flatus vaginalis is conscious or there is indeed vaginal gas excretion, and the main manifestation of rectovaginal fistula is vaginal exhaust excretion. There′re similarities and differences among them, so this paper will introduce the rectovaginal fistula and flatus vaginalis separately, and finally take summary analysis of the relationship between them. From this conclusion, rectovaginal fistula can be manifested as flatus vaginalis when the fistula is small, which may be formed by many factors, rectovaginal fistula is only one of them. For flatus vaginalis caused by rectovaginal fistula, both doctors and patients should jointly decide whether to choose conservative treatment or elective surgery.
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