Construction and implementation of the health promotion activity plan of the “campus food education and practice project” |
LIAO Yan Reyila·Tu′erxun YANG Yajie LIU Hongshuang ZHANG Xi |
Department of Rehabilitation, School of Traditional Chinese Medical, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the “campus food education and practice project” of Liangxiang No.6 Middle School to construct and implement a health promotion activity plan for junior high school students and parents throughout the school. Methods Relying on the “campus food education and practice project”, this study was constructed feasible health promotion activities for all students and parents of Liangxiang No.6 Middle School. A total of seven activity modules including diet health literacy survey, diet survey, traditional Chinese medicine constitution determination, on-site nutrition consultation, body composition, health lectures and public account construction were implemented as planned from July 2018 to March 2019. The effectiveness of the implementation was evaluated. Results The students and parents of Liangxiang No.6 Middle School had a higher satisfaction rate in participating of health promotion activities and the event content. Among them, the “24-hour diet survey” and “computer expert system software analysis of nutrition and diet management system of traditional Chinese medicine combining with Western medicine” participated by food education association students were the most satisfied (100%). Conclusion The establishment of the “campus food education and practice project” health promotion activity program has certain feasibility, but there are still unsatisfactory aspects in the implementation, especially for the traditional Chinese medicine constitution survey and the survey data feedback need to be continuously improved.
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