Discussion on the idea of professor Cui Shusheng′s massage treatment for internal diseases from “eight methods of abdomen” |
SUN Bo1 CUI Shusheng2 JIANG Mengjia2 ZHANG Li′na3 GENG Junlong4 |
1.Department of Internal Medicine, Beijing Drum Tower Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100009, China;
2.Department of Massage, Beijing Drum Tower Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100009, China;
3.Department of Neurology, Shunyi Hospital of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Beijing 101300, China;
4.Dongcheng Community Health Service Management Center of Beijing City, Beijing 100009, China |
Abstract “Eight methods of abdomen” is a commonly used combination of clinical techniques of professor Cui Shusheng, including eight methods of “scraping rib arch”, “kai si men”, “dian san wan”, “tonifying Shénquē”, “penetrating Tiānshū”, “activating Qìhǎi”, “lifting and shaking the abdomen” and “gently rubbing the abdomen”. This paper sums up the specific operation steps of the combination of this technique, and sums up the “zhi zhen dian xue, yi xin tong shou” of professor Cui Shusheng′s operation techniques. In clinical treatment, “the method follows the syndrome, and the technique follows the method”. In the diagnosis and treatment process, “the whole syndrome differentiation and treatment should be based on the principle of conformity”. And then sums up the academic thought of “holistic differentiation and treatment” of Cui Shusheng′s massage diagnosis and treatment for internal diseases. Through the manipulation of massage, all parts of the human body can move smoothly and achieve dynamic balance between material and function, part and whole, acupoints and meridians.
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