Application of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in otorhinolaryngologic diseases |
ZHANG Linjing YAN Zhanfeng JIAO Lulu LIU Siming LIU Jianhua ZHU Yajing SUN Hong HUANG Xiaorui |
Department of Otolaryngology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is from Yilin Gaicuo, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis, activating qi and eliminating pain. It is a commonly used prescription for activating qi and blood. It is used for body′s lesion as a result of blood stasis block. In recent years, the common syndrome differentiation of otorhinolaryngology diseases is the orifices obstructed by blood stasis. If blood stasis obstructs the orifices, qing yang will be not rising, the orifices will be not nourished. So our body will appear some bad symptoms of otolaryngology. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction is widely used in the treatment of otorhinolaryngology diseases. Based on the principle of co-treatment of different diseases, this article introduces its three cases of treating tinnitus, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and vocal cord polyp. So we hope to expand the thinking for clinic.
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