Professor Chen Tongyun′s clinical medication experience in treating melasma |
LIU Ting1 SUN Liyun2 QU Jianhua2▲ |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Dermatology, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze and summarize the experience of Professor Chen Tongyun′s clinical medication experience in treating melasma. Methods A total of 109 medical records of melasma patients treated by Professor Chen Tongyun in Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University were collected from September 2017 to July 2019. These medical records from the category, character, taste, and meridian tropism of Chinese herbal medicines were summarized and analyzed. Results Regarding the type of medication, the most frequently used drugs were tonic and activating blood stasis medicine, which were 40.99% and 29.00% respectively. In terms of medicinal properties, thermophilic drugs accounted for the majority (49.05%), mediocre drugs accounted for 30.50%, and cold drugs accounted for 20.44%. In terms of medicinal taste, the use frequency of bitter, sweet and spicy medicines were significantly higher than other medicines, which were 29.07%, 29.26% and 28.75% respectively. In terms of medicines, the proportion of medicines in the five internal organs was large, about 84.38%. Among the visceral meridians, liver meridian accounts for the largest proportion, followed by spleen meridian and kidney meridian. Conclusion Professor Chen Tongyun′s clinical treatment of melasma is mainly based on the method of replenishing deficiency and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The professor attaches importance to liver and kidney, and takes care of the spleen and stomach. Most of the medications are spicy, bitter, sweet, and warm and calming drugs.
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