Study on the interrogative mood characteristics in doctor-patient interaction from the perspective of interpersonal pragmatics |
LIU Qi XUE Yingli XUE Ting |
School of Foreign Languages, Xi′an Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi′an 710021, China |
Abstract Interrogative mood is an important component in language use. Interrogative tone is widely used as a language art in interpersonal communication. In the process of doctor-patient interaction, there is also the use of a number of questions about the statement, through to the interpersonal environment question tone of pragmatics choice characteristics are analyzed, and the research question tone features, both doctors and patients can make stand on equal status for communication, fundamentally solve the contradiction in the language of communication between doctors and patients. This paper expounds the concept of interrogative mood, the present situation of interpersonal pragmatics research at home and abroad, and puts forward the pragmatic function of interrogative mood selection in doctor-patient interaction. This paper collects a large number of effective corpus between doctors and patients and conducts text analysis, so as to obtain the corpus conducive to the construction of harmonious relations between doctors and patients, solves the contradiction between doctors and patients from the perspective of language communication, alleviates the relationship between doctors and patients, and makes the relationship between doctors and patients more harmonious.
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