Reflection on traditional medicine′s culture exchange and inheritance protection in Greater Mekong Sub-region |
ZUO Yuanyuan ZHAO Shaoqin LI Zizhi WU Fei QI Yuanhong |
College of International Education, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Province, Kunming 650500, China |
Abstract Greater Mekong Sub-region is well known for its vast territory, abundant resources and multi nationalities, due to its geographical, national as well as historical factors that forms regional traditional medicine′s unique culture and technology coexist in the way of harmony in diversity, therefore, traditional medicine culture exchange and communications in Greater Mekong Sub-region has a long and profound history. The paper sorts out the exchange history and current development on traditional medicine from the perspective of ecological crisis and intergenerational transition to analyze the problems and shortcoming of traditional medicine culture development in Greater Mekong Sub-region countries, and puts forward suggestions such as cultivate traditional medicine personnel jointly, introduce new discipline in research and international cooperative development based on cross-border and cross nations. With the aim of promoting exchange level and scale on traditional medicine as well as strengthen inheritance and protection in Greater Mekong Sub-region countries.
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