Clinical application statistics of antihistamine drugs in our hospital from 2014 to 2016 |
LI Wei |
Department of Pharmacy, Hanzhong Central Hospital, Shaanxi Province, Hanzhong 723000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical utilization situation of antihistamine drugs in Hanzhong Central Hospital ("our hospital" for short), so as to provide references for clinical rational drug use. Methods The total drug sales amounts and sort, DDDs, DDC and sort ratio (B/A) of antihistamine drugs in our hospital from 2014 to 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Results In the past three years, the trend of total drug sales amount of antihistamine agents decreased year by year, especially the first generation of antiallergic histamines. The sales amount sorting of all kinds of antihistamine drugs had few changes, Desloratadine Citrate Disodium Tablet and Desloratadine Tablet ranked the top two, rankings of Cetirizine raised year after year, other drugs sorting changed slightly. The top three DDDs of antihistamine drugs were the third generation of antiallergic histamines, drugs with Chloropressin composition always ranked the front of the list. The B/A values of Cetirizine Drops were always <1, and the B/A values of Chlorobenzene and Isopropyrazine were all >1. There were irrational use of antihistamine drugs in prescriptions, including improper drug combination, improper dosage, improper frequency for drugs giving, with total of 213 cases. Conclusion The DDDs sort of antihistamine drugs in our hospital is basically reasonable, but the clinical rational application of the second and third generation of antihistamine drugs should be further strengthened, in order to reduce improper use of drugs.
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