Exploration on the experience of Prunellae Spica in the treatment of goiter disease |
LI Xin′ai1 QI Shuo2 CHEN Xiaoheng2 LI Zhe2 LI Huilong2 DING Zhiguo2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100101, China;
2.Department of Thyroid Diseases, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100701, China |
Abstract Prunellae Spica is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of goiter disease. It has the effects of clear away heat and purge pathogenic fire, improving eyesight, fights swelling. Modern research shows that it has antibacterial and antiviral effects, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, anti-inflammatory and anti-immune effects, and has a concentrated understanding of its mechanism. It plays a role in promoting gene expression, promoting apoptosis, and blocking the proliferation of cancer cells. Its prescriptions have been widely used in clinical practice, and its clinical efficacy has been affirmed. This paper summarizes the effectiveness of Prunellae Spica treatment in rickets by consulting ancient books, referring to modern experimental research, and combining with the clinical experience of professor Ding Zhiguo. It can be used as a reference for clinical Chinese medicine treatment of thyroid diseases.
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