Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in the treatment of advanced bladder cancer with hemorrhage |
LU Wei YANG Chao MA Junpeng DU Peng JIANG Fuqiang YANG Jian XIE Peng ZHANG Zhe |
Department of Interventional Medicine, Navy General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate effects of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) in the treatment of controlling the bladder bleeding and inhibiting the tumor growth in advanced bladder cancer. Methods From January 2015 to December 2016, in Navy General Hospital, 43 patients with advanced bladder cancer and gross hematuria were selected, they were treated with bladder arteries chemoembolization (TACE). All the patients presented macroscopic haematuria. The catheters were inserted into bladder supplying arteriesand anticancer drugs infusion and followed by embolization with microsphere. Procedures were repeated 30 d after the first treatment. The success rate of hemostasis, shrinkage of tumor and downstage of tumors after TACE was observed. Results Bladder bleeding stopped after the first TACE in all patients. Bladder tumor shrinkageof more than 50% in 27 patients (62.8%) was found by MRI 30 d after the second treatment. Down stage of tumors were found in 12 patients (28.0%). The differences of tumor stage between pre and post treatment were statistical significant (P < 0.05). No serious side effects and complications were developed in all patients. Conclusion TACE is effective in controlling bladder bleeding in advanced bladder cancer. The tumor growth is significantly inhibited by the procedures.
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