Disease of “pharynx and upper esophageal opening” in Huangdi Neijing |
MENG Fanqi ZHANG He CHEN Xiuhua |
The Second Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China |
Abstract Huangdi Neijing is the foundation work of traditional Chinese medicine. This thesis systematically organizes the discussions about “pharynx and upper esophageal opening”, pointes out the differences between “pharynx” and “throat”: “pharynx” belongs to the digestive tract, and “throat” belongs to the respiratory tract. It analyzes the positions, functions and characteristics of “pharynx” and “throat”. In modern medicine, “pharynx” is equivalent to the esophagus and “throat” is equivalent to the upper opening of the esophagus. “Pharynx and upper esophageal opening” is the way of essential transporting up and down, and is nourished by the essential, and also is the outward manifestation of hepar and gallbladder. Moreover, it has also pointed out that, there are 11 meridians and collaterals related to the “pharynx and upper esophageal opening”, and the diseases of “pharynx and upper esophageal opening” are closely related to the abnormal meridians and collaterals. The diseases of “pharynx and upper esophageal opening” can be divided into two categories in the Huangdi Neijing: first, the local pathological changes in “pharynx and upper esophageal opening”, including the dry, swollen and pain, and abnormal sensation; second, the abnormal conduction function of “pharynx and upper esophageal opening”, including the obstructed diaphragm and pharynx, and emesis after swallowing. In the treatment, the principle of over all is to return abnormal meridians and collaterals to normal, by choosing corresponding acupoints in abnormal meridians and collaterals according to heat or cold, deficiency or excess.
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