Study on quality characteristics of specification grade of Radix Peucedani medicinal materials in different producing areas |
LI Yunyun1 PAN Ya′nan1 GUO Tingting1 ZHANG Hong1 LIU Shoujin1 GAO Guangyin2 |
1.College of Pharmacy, Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhui Province, Hefei 230000, China;
2.Anhui Guangyintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Corporation Co., Ltd, Anhui Province, Bozhou 236800, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the differences in quality characteristics between the Radix Peucedani of the ancestral cultivars of different producing areas, and to provide a reference for the establishment of the standards of the classification of Peucedani Radix. Methods In January 2018, 20 batches of graded samples were collected from five production areas including Ningguo Zhongxi, Ningguo Nanshan, Ningguo Yunti, Anhui Chizhou, and Zhejiang Tuoling. A total of 10 individuals were selected to measure the diameter at 1/3 of the head and the total length of Tiaohu. The thin layer chromatography method was used to qualitatively identify the medicinal materials with the reference materials of Praeruptorin A, Praeruptorin B, qianhucoumarin E. The alcohol-soluble extracts were tested according to the requirements of the 2015 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia; and the content of three coumarins was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Results The data of different grades of medicinal materials from the same place of origin had crossover phenomenon, but the mean values of different grades of medicinal materials from different places of origin had little difference and fluctuated in a small range. The 20 batches of samples all showed the same color spots in the same position as the control. The contents of the extracts of different grades of crude drugs all meet the requirements of the 2015 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, with certain regularity. There were some differences in the content of coumarin among different grades. Conclusion The quality of medicinal materials from the five producing areas regions is consistent. There is no obvious regularity between the appearance and internal components of different grades of Radix Peucedani in the region, but there are some differences in quality, which can be further studied.
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