Professor Ti Guixiang′s skillful treatment for 3 cases of refractory palmar hyperhidrosis |
PENG Yanwen LYU Pin TI Guixiang |
Treatment and Prevention Center, Guang′anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract Sweat is the product of human activity, blood circulation and metabolism. Palmar hyperhidrosis is a common clinical disease in traditional Chinese medicine, which is often seen in young women. The treatment effect of Western medicine is not good enough, and the experience of diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine is rarely reported. Professor Ti Guixiang believes that palmar hyperhidrosis is a kind of perspiration syndrome. In addition to the conventional thinking, such as invigorating qi, nourishing yin, clearing away damp heat, etc., the prescription should follow the ancient rather than the ancient, with flexible thinking and overall grasp. For example, if young women need to consider whether the patients are easy to be nervous, anxious, insomnia, etc., the method of soothing the liver and calming the nerves should be taken into consideration or emphasized. If the sweating of the patient is limited, the sweating of the hand alone is obvious, and there is no abnormal sweating of other parts of the body, the sweating method can be used to make the sweating of the whole body as usual, then the sweating of the hand can be solved. There are 3 cases of refractory hand sweating syndrome attached.
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