Research progress on application safety of Cimetidine |
LIU Yuming HE Ying SHEN Xianrong |
The PLA Key Laboratory of Biological Effect and Medical Protection on Naval Vessel Special Environment, Naval Medical Research Institute, Shanghai 200433, China |
Abstract The H2-receptor antagonist Cimetidine, an antiulcer drug, has many new pharmacologic actions and clinical applications. Due to its notable curative effect and good safety, Cimitidine is increasingly applied in clinic and its prescriptions is growing. But in recent years the studies have shown that Cimetidine has the possibility of leading to adverse reactions in several aspects, such as in nervous system, reproductive system, anaphylaxis, cardiovascular system, urinary system, endocrinium and drug interactions. All these adverse reactions include not only some high incidence adverse reactions, but also some potential or rare ones. This article reviews the research progress on the safety of cimetidine and its adverse effects, in order to improve therapeutic effect and safety of clinical medications.
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