Clinical experience of professor Li Yueting in preventing and treating stone recurrence after gallbladder-preserving cholecystolithotomy |
HU Ziyan1,2 HAO Shaodong1,2 LI Yueting1,2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China;
2.Department of General Surgery, Beijing Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100039, China |
Abstract There is a certain rate of stone recurrence after minimally invasive gallbladder-preserving cholecystolithotomy. Professor Li Yueting believes that the location of the stone recurrence after gallbladder-preserving cholecystolithotomy is mainly in the liver and gallbladder, and it is related to spleen, stomach, intestines and other viscera. Its pathogenesis is related to the failure to distribute freely of liver and gallbladder, abnormal ascension and descension of spleen and stomach, fuqi obstruction of gallbladder and intestines. Clinic treatment is mainly consisted of dispersing stagnated liver qi for promoting bile flow, activating qi and purging fu organs, combined with the methods of reconciling spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. When making formula and description, he not only pays attention to the application of “liver” treatment for liver-discharging first, but also to the treatment of “gallbladder” for the purpose of protecting the gallbladder, and to the treatment of the “intestines”, which is intended to clear the bile excretion from the clinical experience that “the intestinal excretion is also the bile drain”, and thus achieve its clinical effects.
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