Discussion on professor Zhang Fuli′s experience in the treatment of impaired glucose tolerance from the theory of triple energizer gasification |
LI Yanlin1 LIU Lujia2 TIAN Miao1 MA Boyan1 LIU Chunhong1 GAO Enyu1 ZHANG Fuli1 |
1.School of Basic Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.the Second Clinical Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is the early stage of diabetes. At this stage, if not treated in time, the incidence of type 2 diabetes will increase with time, and it will also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, this stage is highly reversible, so active intervention can effectively prevent the development of diabetes mellitus. According to professor Zhang Fuli′s many years of clinical experience, IGT belongs to the category of triple energizer disease in traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Zhang claimes that IGT is characterized by pathogenesis based on the “loss of sanjiao” and “phlegm dampness and blood stasis heat”. Based on this innovative proposal, under the guidance of the theory of triple energizer gasification, the treatment principle is the method of separation, elimination and drainage. And with Wendan Decoction as the core, to add and subtract. Then create the Huayu Wendan Decoction. It has the effect of dispersing and benefiting sanjiao, treating both dampness and heat qi and blood, taking into account both the specimen and the specimen, with excellent curative effect. In addition, the medical record is attached in the article, which provides a new idea for the treatment of impaired glucose tolerance.
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