Research on the path of health poverty alleviation of traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of collaborative governance |
SHEN Weiwei WANG Jingyu KE Fei SUN Wanjun ZHOU Liangrong |
School of Humanties and Management, Hu′nan University of Chinese Medicine, Hu′nan Province, Changsha 410208, China |
Abstract Returning to poverty due to illness has become the most difficult bone in the battle to get rid of poverty, calling for precise response and increasing the efforts of healthy poverty alleviation. In the new era, we need to take advantage of the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine services to meet the health needs of rural poor people in the whole life cycle and health process. Based on the theory of coordinated governance, this paper analyzes the current situation of health poverty alleviation and the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and puts forward that the party and government organs should promote the work of health poverty alleviation of traditional Chinese medicine at a high level, the functional departments should scientifically formulate complementary policies, the county medical association should strengthen the service ability of traditional Chinese medicine, the poor patients should improve the health literacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and the social groups should actively integrate into the health of traditional Chinese medicine poverty alleviation, in order to continuously optimize the path of traditional Chinese medicine health poverty alleviation, and promote the dual strategy of “healthy China” and “rural revitalization”.
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