Research progress on the safety of moxa smoke produced by conventional moxibustion |
MO Xuerui1 CHEN Junchao2 JIN Ming1 WEI Jianzi1 MAO Huijuan1 |
1.School of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China;
2.Institute of Disciplinary Science, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract Moxibustion, among therapies of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has a good clinical efficacy. There remains controversy over the safety of moxa smoke and its potential effects on human health. This artical reviewed the research on safety of moxibustion in recent ten years. It indicated that high concentration of moxa smoke would pollute the air and certain concentration range of moxa smoke was safe for the treatment of diseases. While the harm of moxa smoke environment on long-term exposure to the human body was unclear. In some animal toxicology tests and cell experiments of extract from moxa smoke showed that the toxic side effects of moxa smoke were related to the concentration of moxa smoke. However, the clinical safety of moxa smoke needed to be investigate and study with large sample and long-term follow-up.
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