Experience of Li Shuanlu′s two-step method of tranquilizing the mind and activating spleen in the treatment of advanced gastric malignant tumors |
ZHAO Ruizhan |
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Xinle Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Xinle 050700, China |
Abstract As the treatment of advanced malignant gastric tumor is intractable, the chief physician Li Shuanlu considers anxiety and depression as the main symptoms in the primary survey. Mainly spleen deficiency, the pathogenesis is simultaneous insufficiency and excess, which should be treated through recuperating the spirit and regulating the spleen and stomach step by step. The primary survey uses the treatments of suggestopedia, meditation music, and baduanjin exercise to recuperate the spirit, achieving the purpose of ataraxy, improving the bad mood, enhancing the immunity, and establishing confidence in the treatment. Complying with the saying “when the diseases are not cured, start from the spleen and stomach”, the subsequent diagnosis focuses on ameliorating the functioning of the spleen and stomach for which is an important therapy throughout the treatment of advanced malignant gastric tumor. The method of activating the spleen usually chooses Liujunzi Decoction and put a heavy dose on Agrimonia pilosa and Oldenlandia diffusa. Through the above treatments, the clinical efficacy is positive.
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