Discussion on the compatibility of Qiu Qingzhong′s rattan medicine in the treatment of Bi “seven emotions” |
DU Chaofei1 QIU Qingzhong1 ZHANG Yilin2 XING Zhenlong1 |
1.Department of Orthopedics, Guangdong Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Foshan 528200, China;
2.School of Basic Medicine, Ji′nan University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510632, China |
Abstract Professor Qiu Qingzhong applies rattan drugs to different stages of arthralgia by analyzing their characteristics and compatibility. Professor Qiu believes that the early stage of arthralgia is mainly caused by injury, cold coagulation, qi stagnation and blood stasis, which result in qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm-dampness and other pathological products. In the later stage, both liver and kidney are deficient. Long time no cure, the heart, liver and spleen can be involved. Rattan drugs should be used throughout the treatment of arthralgia. They are good at the meridians and collaterals of the table, and compatible with insect drugs can search for wind and dredge collaterals; supplemented by drugs such as promoting qi, removing blood stasis and removing dampness, they can treat both the root causes and symptoms; compatible products of tonifying liver and kidney can be used simultaneously; supplemented by traditional Chinese medicines such as nourishing heart, soothing liver and invigorating spleen can regulate mood, invigorate the spleen and calm the mind; and direct access to the sick place can be achieved by the use of meridian-guiding herb.
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