Discussion on professor Wang Youpeng′s experience in treating cough variant asthma from the perspective of treatment before symptoms arising |
LIU Lujia1 QI Xiaoyu1 JING Weichao1 WANG Youpeng2 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Department of Pediatrics, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150001, China |
Abstract Cough variant asthma is a common clinical disease in pediatrics at present. Its pathogenesis is complex, rapid evolution, long course of disease and lingering, which requires the timeliness and effectiveness of clinical treatment. The theory of “treatment based on syndrome differentiation” is initiated in Neijing, which inspired us to give predictive prevention and treatment on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment. Professor Wang Youpeng, starting from the theory of “syndrome first and treatment first”, thinks that the focus of the occurrence and development of the disease lies in the pathological factors throughout the disease-wind, phlegm and blood stasis. In the treatment, Professor Wang Youpeng advocates that the syndrome should be recognized before the syndrome, and the medicine should be given before the syndrome. It is suggested that we should master the objective factors of the disease, grasp the regular progress of the disease after it acts on the body, deduce its transmission and transformation, make active discovery and prediction, achieve early intervention and control, strengthen the traditional Chinese medicine which is conducive to cutting off the development of pathogenic factors, do the treatment before the disease and medicine before syndrome, which provides a new idea for the treatment of cough variant asthma.
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