Anomie problems and improvement countermeasures in medical dispute management of medical institutions in China |
ZHANG Shaoguo LIU Chang ZHAO Yue |
Party Committee Office, Luoyang Orthopedic-Traumatological Hospital Orthopedic Hospital of He′nan Province, He′nan Province, Luoyang 471000, China |
Abstract The factors that caused medical disputes such as the failure to inform patients promptly and timely and the absence of medical service quality assurance system can be controlled by medical institutions. The existence of these problems has a great relationship with the absence of medical institutions in the management of medical disputes. Many medical institutions in China have improper management behaviors in the prevention stage before the occurrence of medical disputes, the coping stage after the occurrence of medical disputes and the summary stage after the end of medical disputes. Learning from the experience abroad in management of medical activities, a medical dispute management system that based on quality management, centered on crisis management and backed by liability insurance should be set up in future. At the same time, the medical institutions should fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of medical personnel, and establish the assessment mechanism in preventing and dealing of medical disputes for medical staff.
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