Professor Cui Shusheng′s experience summary in treating neurological insomnia with angle medicine theory |
LIU Dianlong1 DING Honglei2 CUI Shusheng2 |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Tuina, Beijing Drum Tower Chinese Medicine Hospital, Beijing 100009, China |
Abstract Professor Cui Shusheng believes that neurological insomnia is a common and frequently-occurring disease, and belongs to the category of internal medicine. The clinical application of Chaihu series prescription, Shenqi Pill series prescription and Suanzaoren Decoction as the basis of the prescription, and multiple angle drug groups for symptomatic addition and subtraction. Professor Cui believes that there are four main types of neurological insomnia. The disease is located in the heart and brain, and is closely related to the liver, spleen and kidney. The overall syndrome is not separated from the yin and yang camp, the treatment starts from the whole, the heart and kidney are treated together, the qi and blood are adjusted, and the care is combined. Based on professor Cui′s understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of neurological insomnia, the authors summarize the experience of professor Cui Shusheng′s use of horn medicine theory in the treatment of neurological insomnia in terms of clinically used main parties, addition and subtraction, and clinical typical cases.
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