Research on the supply of old-age education based on developmental pension needs |
WANG Xianju SI Jianping |
School of Management, He′nan University of Chinese Medicine, He′nan Province, Zhengzhou 450046, China |
Abstract With the acceleration of the aging process and the escalation of the demand for old-age education, the development of old-age education is an inevitable requirement to cope with the aging of population and improve the supply system of old-age services. This paper on the basis of consulting the relevant literature, starting with the theory and reality of the demand for the development-oriented old-age care, and through the realistic evaluation of the supply of the old-age education, puts forward the practical innovation of the supplementary board of the old-age education, and enriches the content system of the old-age education,the aim is to continuously improve the effective supply of education for the aged and achieve the goal of learning for the aged.
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