Discussion on the medicinal value of water in many ancient herbal books |
XU Jia1 CHENG Wei2 |
1.Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Harbin University of Commerce, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150028, China |
Abstract As one of the common substances in nature, water can be roughly divided into natural water and artificial water. The water recorded in many ancient books of materia medica is mostly natural water. Later, due to changes in the social age, improved medical standards and rich experience in life, some processed water or liquids, namely artificial water, have been added. From the “Ming Yi Bie Lu” earliest records, of only two kinds of water medicinal, after continuous development and supplement, the medical records of water experienced three stages: preliminary cognition, gradual attention, and reflective innovation. There are 43 records of the medicinal use of water in Li Shizhen′s “Compendium of Materia Medica” which is the peak work of ancient herb books, and water has begun to apply to clinical. The article takes the natural water and artificial water liquid recorded in the ancient herbal books of the original as the research object. We can learn from the past only by scientific understanding of the medicinal use of water, taking its essence and abandon the dross, analysis the therapeutic value, health value and auxiliary value dialectically. In order to select essence to assist the developing of modern Chinese medicine. In the process of inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, in order to promote the development of modern Chinese medicine.
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