Exploring the formula design of traditional Chinese medicine cosmetics based on association rules and entity grammar system |
JIA Congmin GUO Hongling CAO Tingting LEI Qiaoling ZHANG Xianbao WANG Yun |
Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Engineering, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China |
Abstract Objective To design a safe, reasonable and effective Chinese medicine cosmetics formula containing chinese herbal medicine chemical composition based on association rules and entity grammar system. Methods Data of cosmetic formulations containing Chinese herbal medicine chemical composition from 2014 to 2015 were collected, while association rules were used to discover the formulation rules of various cosmetic products. Based on the discovered rules and the inherent formula structure of cosmetics, a new formula design model of cosmetics was established by combining entity grammar system. Results According to the model, a new formula which accords with the structure and efficacy of acne-removing and whitening lotion formula was designed. The new formula had been screened, quantified, proofed and validated, while good results had been achieved in acne patients after use. Conclusion It is feasible to use association rules and entity grammar system to design formula of acne-eliminating and whitening cosmetics, which provides a reference for the formulation design of other traditional Chinese medicine cosmetics and helps to expand the application of traditional Chinese medicine in cosmetology and skin care.
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