Plaque psoriasis treatment from stasis |
ZHANG Yisheng1 WANG Yan2,3 LI Ping2,3 WU Xiling1 KONG Dechuan1 CHEN Yuanming1 CAI Lingling4 |
1.The Second Clinical College of Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China;
3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Clinic and Basic Research with Traditional Chinese Medicine on Psoriasis, Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100010, China;
4.Department of Dermatology, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China |
Abstract Plaque psoriasis is an inflammatory disease characterized by red plaque with clear boundary on skin performance and overlying spacer silvery white scales, which is generally considered as a common and refractory type of psoriasis vulgaris. Most doctors regard it as the result of “blood dryness” or “blood stasis”. The author believes that the root of lingering and refractory plaque psoriasis is blood stasis, blood-activating method can achieve good effect each time in clinic. Based on “determination of etiologic factors based on differentiation” “recognition of abnormal state based on perception of the objective world” “syndrome test by prescription” and other diagnosis principle, this paper systematically discusses that plaque psoriasis should be “treated from the perspective of stasis” according to the chapter and verse. According to the treatment principle of “wanchen removed it”, the internal and external treatment method is determined, and “Exian Huaban Decoction” is established, so as to provide theoretical reference for the treatment based on syndrome differentiation of plaque psoriasis and for colleagues to learn from.
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