Internet oriented cross hospital shared big data information security protection mechanism research |
ZHANG Xinzhi |
Weihai National Fitness Guidance Center, Shandong Province, Weihai 264200, China |
Abstract Health care as one of the key areas which is related to people's livelihood causes widespread concern of the whole society. In order to advance into the objective needs of big data Era, internet based cross hospital electronic case data sharing is in response to the national call for more data run away, fewer people to run errands advocate. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the overall goal of across hospital shared big data exchange, safety supervision, the problems of talent cultivation, especially points out that the block chain technology should strengthen the independent research and development for the medical industry. As it is conceivable that block chain technology will change the global medical industry in the near future, more attention should be paid so as not to miss the opportunity to apply block chaining technology to form a series of the medical industry state information security standards and technical norms as soon as possible. It also will be crucial to seize the commanding heights of the application of information technology in this medical field, which will provide a space for the future development and make the real realization of information security technology for the medical industry to provide fast, convenient service escort.
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