Coping strategy of health insurance financial management in hospital transition period under total health insurance prepaid |
GAO Li |
Department of Finance, Beijing Xiao Tang Shan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China |
Abstract Beijing has carried out total medical insurance prepaid policy in city hospitals since 2011. Hospitals′medical insurance income proportion increased year by year as appointed medical institutions. Therefore, it has become an urgent task for hospitals to ensure the smooth operation of hospital medical insurance financial management, especially when the hospital needs to gradually transform from integrated to specialized hospital. Higher requirements are put forward for the management, in order to fit for quota insurance and cope with shifting events. This article mainly from the definition of the total medical insurance prepaid to put forward the influence and challenge of hospital medical insurance financial management during the transformation period. The hospital should meet the requirements and construct financial management coping strategies such as the financial accounting of medical insurance types by strengthening the total amount of the medicare budget, keeping budget in balance with cost and optimizing HIS system data
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