Differentiation and analysis of the compatibility application of "Lishui Sanwei" of Lepidium seed, Semen pharbitidis, and Stedhania tetrandra in Qian′s Tingli Pills |
YIN Yue1 WU Wenjie2 WANG Qingyu2 ZHU Zehua2 FAN Shiqi2 LIU Chang2 |
1.School of Basic Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Graduate School, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract With the help of Chinese Medical Code Software System and the Ancient Literature Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, the " Draba nemorosa, Pharbitis nil (Linn.) Choisy, Stephania tetrandra S. Moore" as the key words, this article looked up and sorted out 72 prescriptions in which the three Chinese herbs were combined as described in the medical books of the different eras. Among them, the books recording the Tingli Pills had the largest number, with the total number 15. Through sorting out the development of prescriptions, the preliminary conclusions were drawn from the composition of the prescriptions and the changes in the doses. Qian′s Pills were transferred from the Peaceful Holy Benevolent Prescriptions and transformed in the General Medical Collection of Royal Benevolence, with high credibility. Through the different effects of drug efficacy, gender taste characteristics, channel tropism, dosage forms and decoction methods, the compatibility of Chinese herbal medicines in Qian′s Pills with scorpion venom, venom and Chinese medicinal herbs were analyzed, and research progress of modern pharmacology was applied to further digging up of the clinical application value in classical prescriptions of ancient Chinese medicine, and provide theoretical reference and basis for the research of substances of Chinese medicine taste and efficacy carried out by modern scientific and technological means.
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