Research progress on inappropriate medication use in the elderly |
ZHAO Liyan1 ZHAO Zhongpeng2 CHENG Yanqin1 LI Mingchun1 |
1.Department of Pharmacy, the 401st Hospital of PLA, Shandong Province, Qingdao 266071, China;
2.Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 100086, China |
Abstract Older people are more likely to have adverse drug events (ADE) due to their decreased physiological function and often have multiple underlying diseases. ADE may manifest as one or more syndromes of the elderly, including falls, convulsions, dizziness, incontinence, sleep disorders, etc., seriously affecting the life and behavioral abilities of the elderly, while giving harder for diagnosis and treatment. Identification and early intervention of inappropriate medication use in the elderly are important for reducing the risk of medication, avoiding and reducing ADE. In recent years, the research focuses on the potential inappropriate medication (PIM) use standards for the elderly, multiple drug use and medcation reconciliation, and PIM prevention, this article reviews these three aspects.
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