Role of medical humanistic spirit in medical service and medical education under the concept of sustainable development |
DONG Guangtong WEI Junping |
Department of Endocrinology, Guang′anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract With the progress of science and technology and the development of the times, medical technology has made great progress, and greatly improved the level of human health care. Modern medicine has developed into a comprehensive system with rich contents, which covers many aspects, such as exploring the mystery of life, diagnosing and treating diseases, improving health, alleviating pain and so on. However, the constant exposure of doctor-patient conflicts in the media makes people re-examine and question the purpose and value of medicine while enjoying modern medical and health care services, and look forward to the return and revival of the traditional medical humanistic care. By consulting relevant documents and materials, this paper explains the connotation of medical humanistic spirit with the concept of sustainable development, analyzes the great significance of medical humanistic spirit and the value of the times, and finally discusses how to carry forward medical humanistic spirit in an all-round way from college training to system reform. Advising medical college education and hospitals at all levels achieving true sustainable development and promoing the development of medical humanistic spirit in China.
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