Comparative study of the medical development history of Chinese and western "aromatherapy" |
LI Zhiyue1 LI Feng1 ZHANG Yu1 SHAO Haozhen2 ZHANG Weiyue1 YU Jiaojiao1 |
1.School of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.School of Life Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract "Aromatherapy" is originated from ancient civilizations - ancient Egypt and ancient China, which is originally used as customs and experiences in medicine; with the born of different historic cultures, philosophy and medicine in China and the West, Chinese and western "aromatherapy" becomes different: traditional Chinese medicine "aromatherapy" is classified into the category of external treatment of Chinese medicine - "aromatherapy therapy" and "fumigation therapy", it has been developed and matured in the aspects of drug type, dosage form, usage and theory, and has been used so far; western medicine "aromatherapy" has experienced the development and maturity of extracting essential oils, replacing essential oils by chemical synthesis, returning plant extracts and carrying out clinical research. There are such academic differences between Chinese medicine and western medicine "aromatherapy". In the final analysis, they are the differences of thinking patterns: the traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the integrity of the body itself, and the unity and connection between human, nature and social environment; however, the reduction theory of western medicine divides the whole into several elements, and then makes a detailed analysis of the elements in order to trace the evidence and essence. To understand the similarity and difference of medical development paths between Chinese and western, and to seek common ground and fit points between them will bring about breakthroughs in the development and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine.
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