Strategy research on transmission of wushu boxing in traditional health-care P.E. course of universities of Chinese medicine |
SHI Zhenwen WANG Bin |
Department of Physical Education, Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract This article, in the perspective of communication, studies the wushu boxing transmission in the traditional health-care P.E. course of universities of Chinese medicine by means of the communication principle and the demand characteristics of college students'. The thesis let wushu boxing get further promotion among college students. There were 4 basic elements in wushu boxing transmission, namely, disseminator, content, mode and communication target. Disseminators are mainly college wushu teachers and wushu boxing management department; the contents are wushu boxing. The transmitted mode is mainly interpersonal communication, organizational communication, mass communication, and network communication, etc. The communication targets are mainly for contemporary college students. The article puts forward that strengthening wushu boxing performance, holding wushu boxing contests, launching the teaching of wushu boxing, strengthening the propaganda, setting wushu boxing grades; attaching great importance to the wushu boxing technology, using opportunely of wushu boxing, carring forward the wushu boxing innovation; enhancing wushu boxing theory; intensifying wushu boxing morality; digging the connotation of wushu boxing. In the wushu boxing propagation, it can achieve good communication effects by integrating a variety of mode of transmission, using of communication strategies, fully mobilizing various aspects strength, broadening the channels, and propagating all-round multi-level propagated.
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