Discussion on incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents in medical research institutions under the background of classification reform of institutions |
HU Zhimin |
Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100020, China |
Abstract As an important part of public welfare scientific research institutions, medical research institutions are an important force for national medical science and technology innovation and the base of scientific and technological talents. Initiative and creativity of talents are related to the promotion of scientific and technological innovation capabilities, the development of public welfare, the implementation of healthy China strategy and national innovation-driven development strategy, and the overall development of economy and society. Under the background of the classification reform of public institutions, there are still some major problems in the incentives for scientific and technological talents in medical research institutions in China, such as relatively low salary satisfaction, unclear career development prospects, and insufficient autonomy of scientific and technological talents. The reasons can be summarized as institutional constraints on salary growth in scientific research institutions, imperfect construction of scientific and technological personnel and management of scientific research projects. To this end, the construction of the incentive mechanism for medical science and technology talents is explored from the aspects of improving the salary system, expanding the career development, optimizing the environment for the growth of scientific and technological talents, and improving and innovating the management stipulations.
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