Analysis of the availability of oral antidiabetic drugs in public medical institutions in Shandong Province |
WEN Nan SONG Yan |
Shandong Institute of Medicine and Health Information, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Shandong Province, Ji′nan 250062, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze and evaluate the availability and equipping rate of oral antidiabetic drugs in public medical institutions at all levels in Shandong Province. Methods According to the standardized survey method of World Health Organization / Health Action International (WHO/HAI), the equipping conditions and availability of 7 commonly used oral antidiabetic drugs in 39 public medical institutions of the first, second, third levels in 3 cities of Shandong Province were analyzed and investigated. Results The equipping rate and availability of oral antidiabetic drugs in tertiary hospitals and second-class hospitals were all higher than those in primary health care institutions. The availability of Repaglinide (36.8%) was the highest in original drugs, and the availability of Glipizide (13.4%) was the lowest, the original drugs of Glibenclamide couldn′t be obtained. The availability of Metformin was the highest (86.8%) in generic drugs, and the availability of Glibenclamide was the lowest (5.3%). In tertiary hospitals, original drugs (77.8%) had higher equipping rate than generic drugs (57.1%). In primary medical institutions, original drugs (8.6%) had lower equipping rate than generic drugs (43.3%), and the equipping rates of both of them were lower. Conclusion The availability and equipping rate of oral antidiabetic drugs in general hospitals in Shandong Province are all higher, which in primary health care institutions are all lower. In order to meet the medical needs of diabetic patients, it is necessary to take various measures to improve the availability of oral antidiabetic drugs in primary health care institutions and the quality of generic drugs.
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