Probe on ways of training Chinese medicine talents under the background of Traditional Chinese Medicine Law |
SUN Dan1 ZHENG Nan2 LI Hewei3 GAO Lijuan4▲ |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Basic Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
3.Humanities and Management College, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
4.Department of rheumatism, Affiliated First Hospital, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract At July 1, 2017, the Chinese Medicine Law was formally implemented in China, which put forward higher requirements for the development of Chinese medicine talents. Firstly, this thesis makes a detailed interpretation of the development policy of traditional Chinese medicine stipulated in the Law of the People′s Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine, and explores the current situation of the training mode of traditional Chinese medicine talents in China. In addition, the thesis found that the current training mode of traditional Chinese medicine and the teacher-to-teacher education are mostly based on practical teaching, which is closer to the training goal of traditional Chinese medicine talents, however, has some problems, such as the limitation of knowledge structure and cognitive thinking, the small scale of training objects and the uneven quality of training objects. Furthermore, the modern training mode of Chinese medicine talents and college education have the advantages of universality, fine division and openness, but at the same time, it also has the practical predicament of separating theoretical teaching from practical teaching, neglecting traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance, disproportionate cultivation cycle and quality of training, and no successors of Chinese medicine at the grass-roots level. To solve the problems existing in the two training modes of tradition Chinese medicine talents, this thesis puts forward innovative ways of training tradition Chinese medicine talents in the integration of teacher-to-teacher education and college education, and makes a thorough analysis from five perspectives of students, training objects, trainin environment, curriculum system design and teaching staff.
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