Promoting cultural connotation construction of university clean government innovated by traditional Chinese medicine culture |
FU Wendi1 YIN Zhanjun2 |
1.Research and Propagation Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2. Discipline Inspection Commission, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract The culture of traditional Chinese medicine and the culture of clean government both belong to the category of Chinese traditional culture, which are the representative and important part of Chinese excellent culture. It is necessary to highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine to innovate cultural connotation construction of clean government in higher institutions of Chinese medicine that is started from carrying forward and inheriting traditional Chinese medicine culture. It makes use of the characteristics of the consistency of the goals of TCM culture and clean government culture, the convergence of principles, the communication of concepts and the correspondence of methods. The theories of "integration of nature and man" "preventive treatment of disease" "virtual of great physician" and "life-paramountcy" and diagnostic treatment techniques such as "three causes and measures" "treatment based on syndrome differentiation" "governing exterior to infer interior", etc are used for reference. We should enrich and develop the methods of work and operation modes of building a clean and honest culture in TCM colleges in the new era, create a clean and honest education environment, and cultivate qualified talents for the party and the country.
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