Current status of clinical research on the principle and function of moxibustion |
YUAN Peiyu1 HAO Chongyao2 ZHANG Tiansheng2 |
1.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine Graduate school, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030024, China;
2.the Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical College, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030024, China |
Abstract In recent years, the use of moxibustion in the treatment of diseases has been paid more and more attention. The research on the principle and mechanism of moxibustion treatment has been deepened at home and abroad. This paper examines the principles and functions of moxibustion effects by consulting relevant literature in recent years. A detailed discussion was made and it was pointed out that the principle of moxibustion effect is not only a warming effect, but a combination of effects such as radiation, pharmacology, trauma and synthesis. With the advancement of medicine and the development of scientific research technology, the application of moxibustion effect has gradually become widespread, such as inhibiting the growth of early tumor cells, improving blood circulation, anti-inflammatory regulation of immune function, regulating body metabolism, and regulating endocrine. However, there are few studies on the efficacy of moxibustion and other heat source products. Therefore, on the basis of qualitative results of the moxibustion effect, it is necessary to quantitatively analyze the intensity of its action.
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