Pre-pregnancy health consultation for elderly couples |
HUANG Shuifen ZHOU Yanjie▲ |
Health Examination Section, Nanning Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530022, China |
Abstract Since the opening of the comprehensive two-child policy in China, the common problems of the pre-pregnancy health counseling for elderly couples have been the decline of fertility, the increase of obstetrical complications, the increase of the birth defects of newborns and others. Specifically, age is an independent factor affecting fertility. The decline in fertility of the elderly couples is characterized by a decrease in pregnancy rates, an increase in abortion rates, an increase in obstetric complications and other complications among elderly women, and a greater vulnerability to environmental factors. The birth defect of the newborn significantly increases, and there is a significant mental and psychological abnormality of the offspring. Special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of the high incidence of the endemic genetic disease thalassemia for Nanning City. For the elderly couples, we should strengthen the prenatal eugenic examination, balance the nutrition intake before pregnancy and maintain mental health, pay attention to the prenatal screening and the prenatal diagnosis during pregnancy, prevent the occurrence of the congenital defects such as severe thalassemia in infants, and give a good birth and good care to improve the quality of the birth population.
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