Study on the development status of mixed-ownership hospitals |
CHEN Hong YU Qian▲ |
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract More and more medical institutions are exploring new models of development, as countries continue to introduce policies to encourage social doctors in recent years and public hospital reform into deep water. Medical institutions held in the form of public-private partnerships as a new development way are gradually brought into focus, but as a new medical pattern, now it is still in the continuously exploratory stage, because of different property right structures, diversity of cooperation modes. Different management mode produces different economic and social benefits. Through consulting relevant literatures, the related concept is explained, the present situations of mixed-ownership hospitals of our country are summarized, and the existing operation mode has been carried on the summary, and this paper finds that the mixed ownership hospital also has its limitations because of the current imperfect policy. However, it is necessary to develop mixed ownership hospitals to control the number of public hospitals, optimize the allocation of medical resources, meet the medical needs of different levels and form a diversified medical pattern.
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