Current situation and trend analysis of China′s pharmaceutical industry from the perspective of new medical reform deep development based on the data of pharmaceutical economic operation |
XIAO Han ZHU Mintian ZHANG Siwen |
School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110032, China |
Abstract The new medical reform has been carried out for nearly 10 years. China′s medical and health undertakings have undergone a series of reforms and made great breakthroughs in some fields, but some deep-seated problems have not yet been fundamentally solved. Based on the data from 2005 to 2017 on the economic operation of Chinese medicine, the current situation and trend of the development of Chinese medicine industry were analyzed from the political, economic, social and technological aspects in this article. It was found that the policy environment of our country has changed greatly, the ability of independent innovation has been enhanced but still lagged behind, the concentration of industry has been improved, and the market share of public primary medical terminals will be steadily increased. This provides a reference for the rational distribution and development of China′s pharmaceutical industry.
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