Cultural connotation of traditional Chinese medicine in the ideas of Xi Jinping′s Governance of China |
ZHANG Qinglin1 ZHANG Honglei2 |
1.School of Information Technology, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210023, China;
2.School of Humanities and Political Education, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210023, China |
Abstract The culture of traditional Chinese medicine has rooted deep in the excellent humanistic ideology and social concept of the Chinese nation in the past thousands of years, and is also the true representation of historical culture and social development. General Secretary Xi Jinping melts the core thoughts of traditional Chinese medicine, such as “preventive treatment of disease” “addressing both symptoms and diseases” “the overall concept” and “dialectical treatment”, into the process of governing the country and administration, putting forward a series of new ideas, new thought and new strategies for the new era of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, provide scientifically theoretical guidance and guide to action, which, in the meanwhile, helps the ancient Chinese medicine culture yield unusually brilliant results, and promotes the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine culture, so that Chinese medicine will spread better throughout the world, and enhance the cultural soft power of the whole nation.
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