Analysis of one case of gastric tube induced respiratory arrest in patient with cerebral infarctions |
JIA Rufu1 YANG Jingyan2 CAO Zhenmin1 LI Guixin1 |
1.Brain Hospital District, Cangzhou Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Cangzhou 061001, China;
2.Department of Anesthesia, Cangzhou Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Cangzhou 061001, China |
Abstract This article reported 1 case of cerebral infarction patient with gastric tube induced respiratory arrest. The discussion was conducted by analyzing the stomach tube quality, operation method of gastric tube and the patient′s own factors. Pathological changes of patient with respiratory arrest in his pathogenic sites of cerebral infarction (the right side of medulla oblongata) could be found accordingly. Gastric tube stimulation, sodium intake deficiency and certain degree of hypovolemia due to dehydration were connected to the patient′s own factors. It should be strictly in accordance with severe cerebrovascular disease integrated management when placing gastric tube in patients with medulla oblongata cerebral infarction. Prophylactic use of anticholinergic drugs or narcotics, or induced by drinking water should be taken into consideration to ensure blood volume in patients with adequate and alleviate psychological pressure, etc.
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