A new interpretation of “official of the sovereign” and “official of the fairness” |
GAO Ya AN Hong XU Shijie▲ |
Institute of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract The usual understanding of “official of the sovereign” and “official of the fairness” refers to official position. Based on the hermeneutics, in the way of explaining word meaning, comprehending further implication and concrete practice, this article reveals astronomical meaning of “official of the sovereign” and “official of the fairness”, that the position and function of the heart and the gallbladder is the astronomy reflection and the relationship between them is also related to this. Therefore, it is called “official of the sovereign” and “official of the fairness”. The deep meaning of action and inaction is further stated, and discussed in three aspects of nursing heart, soothing gallbladder and curing heart and gallbladder together.
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